The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service XSD.
AgencyActivitiesByConsultant | JSON | XML | CSV |
AgencyLocationsHotelAttachmentSuccess | JSON | XML | CSV |
AgencyReviews | JSON | XML | CSV |
AgencyTicketingActivity | JSON | XML | CSV |
AirlineDemandsForTicketingByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
AirSegmentsByDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
AirSegmentsByEquipmentCode | JSON | XML | CSV |
AirSegmentsPerLocation | JSON | XML | CSV |
AirSegmentsWithVendorLocatorsByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingDetailsByRef | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingEventsSummaryRequest | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsBasicWithoutMobileByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsBasicWithPaxByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsByAirlineWithClassSupport | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsByGDSDestination | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsCountsPerConsultant | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsTicketTravelDates | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsWithReviewDueDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsWithTicketDueDataByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
BookingsWithTicketDueDataByUser2 | JSON | XML | CSV |
CarSegmentsByDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
CompanyTicketRevenuePerPlatingCarrier | JSON | XML | CSV |
ConferencesByRemark | JSON | XML | CSV |
ConsultantsGdsSegmentPerformance | JSON | XML | CSV |
ConsultantsProductivity | JSON | XML | CSV |
CorporateLongTermArrivals | JSON | XML | CSV |
CorporateTrackerBookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
CreateAirTktSegFlightCouponStatusGroup | JSON | XML | CSV |
DashboardStatsByOptions | JSON | XML | CSV |
DeleteAirTktSegFlightCouponStatusGroup | JSON | XML | CSV |
DeparturesByClassName | JSON | XML | CSV |
EventBookingsRequest | JSON | XML | CSV |
FindBookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAccounts | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAccountsHotelAttachmentSuccess | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetActiveUnsoldAirBookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAfterHoursServicing | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAgencyActivityPerDayConsultant | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAgencyReviewPerAccount | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirRailDurations | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirSegmentsPerAccountByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirSegmentsPerBranchByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirSegmentsPerCarrier | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirSegmentsPerConsultantByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirSegmentsPerDestinationByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAirTktSegFlightCouponStatusGroups | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetApiRequestsPerHour | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAppUsersActivity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetAppUsersActivitySummary | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingActionDetails | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingCountPerPcc | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingEventsDetails | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsByAccount | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsByAirSegmentsCount | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsByConsultant | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsByTAUDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsByTraveller | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsCancelled | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsCreated | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsCreatedWithoutNameRemark | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsLapsedToEvent | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsOutstandingActions | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsTravelling | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsTravellingV2 | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsWithActiveSegments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsWithDestinationsByTraveller | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetBookingsWithNdcFlag | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCancelledHotelSegments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegmentCountsPerAccountByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegmentCountsPerBranchByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegmentCountsPerConsultantByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegmentCountsPerLocation | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegmentCountsPerLocationByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegmentCountsPerVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCarSegments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetChurns | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetCompanyTicketRevenuePerAirline | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantDetails | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantFocus | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantPnrActivity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantsHotelAttachmentSuccess | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantWorkActiveUnsoldAir | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantWorkGDSActions | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantWorkMissedHotelOpportunities | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetConsultantWorkUpcomingPaxDepartures | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetDistributorBookingsByPNRTicketedDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetDistributorBookingsTravellingByAirlineClass | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetDuplicateBookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetGDSDestinations | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHolidayExtrasCarParkOffers | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelBookingsByRateCode | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelLocSegmentCountsPerChainByCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelLocSegmentCountsPerPropertyByCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelSegmentCountsPerAccountByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelSegmentCountsPerBranchByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelSegmentCountsPerConsultantByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelSegmentCountsPerLocation | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelSegmentCountsPerVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelSegments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetHotelWithNoRateCodeCreated | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetItineraryChangeEvents | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetItineraryChangeEventsSummary | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetMirGenerationLogs | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetMissedHotelOpportunitiesByCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetMissedHotelOpportunitiesPerCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPARUsagePerConsultant | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerAirSegmentsByTravelDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerAirSegmentsWithMaxBookingsFlag | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerAirSegmentsWithMaxTravellerFlag | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerArrivals | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerDepartures | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerLocationsByAirline | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerLocationsByAirport | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerLocationsByCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerLocationsByCountry | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerLocationsByFlightNumber | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPassengerLocationsByRouting | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPnrInfo | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPnrProcessingLogs | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetPNRSegments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetProductivityPerAccount | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetQcComments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetQcCommentsForConsultant | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetRebookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetRemarkQualifier | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetSafeToGoFailedSubmissions | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetSafeToGoForwardingLogs | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetSosForwardingLogs | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTicketAutomationSuccessPerPCC | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTicketCouponCodes | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTicketCouponsByStatusCode | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTicketDetails | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTicketsIssued | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTicketsIssuedByNumber | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravelHistorySummaryByTraveller | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravellerGroupAirSegments | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravellerLinkedBookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravellersByAccount | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravellersByCrm | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravellersByName | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTravellersEmailsInBookings | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetTrees4TravelForwardingLogs | JSON | XML | CSV |
GetUserEmailSubscriptions | JSON | XML | CSV |
HotelSegmentCountsPerLocationByVendor | JSON | XML | CSV |
PassiveSegmentsByItinChangeEvent | JSON | XML | CSV |
PassiveSegmentsByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
PNROriginatingCountries | JSON | XML | CSV |
PNRSegmentCountsByCompanyAgentLocation2 | JSON | XML | CSV |
ProblematicSegmentsByUser | JSON | XML | CSV |
QLogEm | JSON | XML | CSV |
QLogForward | JSON | XML | CSV |
QLogIgnored | JSON | XML | CSV |
QSorterLogErrors | JSON | XML | CSV |
RoutingInstancesByCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
RoutingInstancesPerCity | JSON | XML | CSV |
SegmentsQC | JSON | XML | CSV |
StatsCompaniesPNRs | JSON | XML | CSV |
TicketCouponsIssued | JSON | XML | CSV |
TicketRevenueByCompany | JSON | XML | CSV |
TicketsByAccount | JSON | XML | CSV |
TicketSegmentsWithTaxByIssueDate | JSON | XML | CSV |
UpdateAirTktSegFlightCouponStatusGroup | JSON | XML | CSV |